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Pantsula Friday X Kwaito edition

Pantsula Friday Kwaito Edition


The wildly entertaining Pantsula movement emerged in the 1950s and has continued to evolve to this day, adapting to modern day trends. The AmaPantsula were named the “Clean Gangsters” and have a distinct communication style. Essentially, it’s a group of people with a common interest that come together and dance a vibrant style aimed at building camaraderie. The Pantsula movement is far more than a dance group. It was, and always will be, a way of life for its followers. Early on, the movement drew their style inspiration from American and South African workwear.


Kwaito music is a style of music that originated in Soweto during the 1990s. The genre draws upon several music styles, including electro and hip hop for its unique combination of house beats and shouted vocals. Those who are lucky enough to watch a performance are highly entertained by the group of dancers.


The cultures has evolved and leans toward colourful, clean-looking patterns and DMD Linea Italia is where they find their style. The subculture emerged in Johannesburg townships, particularly Alexandra, known as “Gomora” and Soweto AKA emSotra, keeping the movement strong whilst it evolves ensuring relevance.


Here, DMD gives the Pantsula dancers and upcoming Kwaito artists within the culture an opportunity to introduce their culture and show off their craft and talent. Get to eGomora, Alexandra to see these great talents and where DMD will be giving cash prizes to the top 3 best performers Friday 26 August, 28 September and 30 October 2022.


So come on, let’s meet eGomora in Alex and HLAPHAZZ!

By Charles Shabangu